Falling Into You

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I’m here to remind you...

The last thought before your mind and body slip into the subconscious world of dreams and visions, must be of your ideal life.

It must be of your designer future where the mind meets creation. In this realm your heart and mind connect to your highest potential and your wildest possibilities.

In your slumber the universe meets you to listen to the whispers of your heart.

Therefore take your hearts desires with you into slumber and not the troubles of the day.

Step into their energetic memory. Live them over and over in your mind as though you’re revisiting a recent memory.

What would the emotion be of the ideal life lived?

What would the feeling be of your grandest experience?

What would the vision be of your perfect reality?

Fall into them with all of your awareness and all of your being and watch the universe bend to meet your beautiful belief in yourself. 💖

Anna x

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